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- Provides guidance on how to make souvenirs that stand out - Shows how to connect a product with local history and culture Creative tourism products are one of the important elements of publicizing and tapping into local tourism resources. Tourist destinations all over the world attach great importance to the development of local tourism products. Through souvenirs, tourists can know more about the local architecture, culture, and customs. This book focuses on designs for various tourist souvenirs around the world. The items included in the book are different from common tourist products in the market. They represent what souvenirs can be when creativity is applied. Contents: 1. Overview of Creative Tourist Souvenir Design; 1.1 Concept of creative tourist souvenirs; 1.2 Classification of creative tourist souvenirs; 1.2.1 Creative tourist souvenirs for museums; 1.2.2 Creative tourist souvenirs for scenic spots; 1.2.3 Creative tourist souvenirs for events; 1.2.4 Creative tourist souvenirs for city images; 1.3 Design features of creative tourist souvenirs; 1.3.1 Uniqueness; 1.3.2 Regionality; 1.3.3 Commemoration; 1.3.4 Practicability; 1.3.5 Portability; 1.3.6 Economy. 2. Significance of Creative Tourist Souvenir Design; 2.1 Cultural consumption demand of consumers; 1.2 Memory continuity to tourists; 1.3 Marketing techniques to promote tourist attractions; 1.4 Good interaction between culture and economy. 3. How to design creative tourist souvenirs; 3.1 Creative forms of expression; 3.1.1 Creative design based on regional culture; 3.1.2 Creative design for the shape; 3.1.3 Creative design for iconic elements; 3.2 Creative design for functional utility; 3.3 Creative design for material selection; 3.3.1 Cloth (wax dyeing and gauze); 3.3.2 Glass and resin; 3.3.3 Porcelain and bamboo; 3.4 Creative design for interactive experience; 3.4.1 Creative design for interestingness; 3.4.2 Creative design for interaction; 3.5 Creative design for specific themes; 3.5.1 Creative design for story topics; 3.5.2 Creative design for festival themes; 3.6 Creative design for brand image. 4. Design Trend of Creative Tourist Souvenirs; 4.1 Emotional design; 4.2 Green environmental protection design; 4.3 Life aesthetics design; 4.4 Experience design. 5. Promotion Methods for Creative Tourist Commodities; 5.1 Museum shops; 5.2 Online sales platform. Case Studies. Index.
EdituraImages Publishing Group Pty Ltd
Dimensiuni250 x 190
Data Publicarii27/02/2019
Numar pagini272
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- Ofera indrumari despre cum sa faci suveniruri care sa iasa in evidenta - Arata cum sa conectezi un produs cu istoria si cultura locala Produsele creative de turism sunt unul dintre elementele importante ale publicitatii si valorificarii resurselor turistice locale. Destinatiile turistice din intreaga lume acorda o mare importanta dezvoltarii produselor turistice locale.