Descriere RO
Increasingly, business leaders and managers recognize that machine learning offers their companies immense opportunities for competitive advantage. But most discussions of machine learning are intensely technical or academic, and don't offer practical information leaders can use to identify, evaluate, plan, or manage projects. Deploying Machine Learning fills that gap, helping them clarify exactly how machine learning can help them, and collaborate with technologists to actually apply it successfully. You'll learn:
What machine learning is, how it compares to "big data" and "artificial intelligence," and why it's suddenly so important What machine learning can do for you: solutions for computer vision, natural language processing, prediction, and more How to use machine learning to solve real business problems -- from reducing costs through improving decision-making and introducing new products Separating hype from reality: identifying pitfalls, limitations, and misconceptions upfront Knowing enough about the technology to work effectively with your technical team Getting the data right: sourcing, collection, governance, security, and culture Solving harder problems: exploring deep learning and other advanced techniques Understanding today's machine learning software and hardware ecosystem Evaluating potential projects, and addressing workforce concerns Staffing your project, acquiring the right tools, and building a workable project plan Interpreting results -- and building an organization that can increasingly learn from data Using machine learning responsibly and ethically Preparing for tomorrow's advances The authors conclude with five chapter-length case studies: image, text, and video analysis, chatbots, and prediction applications. For each, they don't just present results: they also illuminate the process the company undertook, and the pitfalls it overcame along the way.
EdituraPearson Education (US)
Dimensiuni232 x 178
Data Publicarii01/05/2019
Numar pagini420
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Din ce in ce mai mult, liderii de afaceri si managerii recunosc ca invatarea automata ofera companiilor lor oportunitati imense de avantaj competitiv. Dar majoritatea discutiilor despre invatarea automata sunt intens tehnice sau academice si nu ofera informatii practice pe care liderii le pot folosi pentru a identifica, evalua, planifica sau gestiona proiecte.