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An examination of the unique, hybrid media practices generated by Eastern Europe's accelerated transition from late communism to late capitalism.
Eastern Europe's historically unprecedented and accelerated transition from late communism to late capitalism, coupled with media globalization, set in motion a scramble for cultural identity and a struggle over access to and control over media technologies. In Identity Games, Anik� Imre examines the corporate transformation of the postcommunist media landscape in Eastern Europe. Avoiding both uncritical techno-euphoria and nostalgic projections of a simpler, better media world under communism, Imre argues that the demise of Soviet-style regimes and the transition of postcommunist nation-states to transnational capitalism has crucial implications for understanding the relationships among nationalism, media globalization, and identity. Imre analyzes situations in which anxieties arise about the encroachment of global entertainment media and its new technologies on national culture, examining the rich aesthetic hybrids that have grown from the transitional postcommunist terrain. She investigates the gaps and continuities between the last communist and first post-communist generations in education, tourism, and children's media culture, the racial and class politics of music entertainment (including Roma Rap and Idol television talent shows), and mediated reconfigurations of gender and sexuality (including playful lesbian media activism and masculinity in "carnivalistic" post-Yugoslav film). Throughout, Imre uses the concepts of play and games as metaphorical and theoretical tools to explain the process of cultural change--inspired in part by the increasing "ludification" of the global media environment and the emerging engagement with play across scholarly disciplines. In the vision that Imre offers, political and cultural participation are seen as games whose rules are permanently open to negotiation.
EdituraMIT Press Ltd
Dimensiuni229 x 152 x 14
Data Publicarii11/03/2019
Numar pagini268
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
O examinare a practicilor unice, media hibride generate de tranzitia accelerata a Europei de Est de la comunismul tarziu la capitalismul tarziu. Tranzitia fara precedent si accelerata istoric a Europei de Est de la comunismul tarziu la capitalismul tarziu, impreuna cu globalizarea mass-media, a pus in miscare o lupta pentru identitate culturala o lupta pentru accesul si controlul asupra tehnologiilor media.