Descriere RO
This book focuses on recent developments in representational and processing aspects of complex data-intensive applications.
Until recently, information systems have been designed around different business functions, such as accounts payable and inventory control. Object-oriented modeling, in contrast, structures systems around the data--the objects--that make up the various business functions. Because information about a particular function is limited to one place--to the object--the system is shielded from the effects of change. Object-oriented modeling also promotes better understanding of requirements, clear designs, and more easily maintainable systems. This book focuses on recent developments in representational and processing aspects of complex data-intensive applications. The chapters cover hot topics such as application behavior and consistency, reverse engineering, interoperability and collaboration between objects, and work-flow modeling. Each chapter contains a review of its subject, followed by object-oriented modeling techniques and methodologies that can be applied to real-life applications.
F. Casati, S. Ceri, R. Cicchetti, L. M. L. Delcambre, E. F. Ecklund, D. W. Embley, G. Engels, J. M. Gagnon, R. Godin, M. Gogolla, L. Groenewegen, G. S. Jensen, G. Kappel, B. J. Kr�mer, S. W. Liddle, R. Missaoui, M. Norrie, M. P. Papazoglou, C. Parent, B. Perniei, P. Poncelet, G. Pozzi, M. Schreft, R. T. Snodgrass, S. Spaccapietra, M. Stumptner, M. Teisseire, W. J. van den Heuevel, S. N. Woodfield
EdituraMIT Press Ltd
Dimensiuni254 x 203 x 28
Data Publicarii11/03/2019
Numar pagini394
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Aceasta carte se concentreaza pe evolutiile recente in aspectele reprezentative si de prelucrare a aplicatiilor complexe intensive in date. Pana de curand, sistemele de informatii au fost concepute in functie de diferite functii de afaceri, cum ar fi conturile de platit si controlul stocurilor. Modelarea orientata pe obiecte, in schimb, structureaza sisteme in jurul datelor - obiectele - care alcatuiesc diferitele functii de afaceri.