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For Mark Twain, it was love at first landfall. Samuel Clemens first encountered the Bermuda Islands in 1867 on a return voyage from the Holy Land and found them much to his liking. One of the most isolated spots in the world, Bermuda offered the writer a refuge from his harried and sometimes sad existence on the mainland, and this island paradise called him back another seven times. Clemens found that Bermudaâs beauty, pace, weather, and company were just the medicine he needed, and its seafaring culture with few connections to the outside world appealed to his love of travel by water.
This book is the first comprehensive study of Clemensâs love affair with Bermuda, a vivid depiction of a celebrated author on recurring vacations. Donald Hoffmann has culled and clarified passages from Mark Twainâs travel pieces, letters, and unpublished autobiographical dictationâwith cross-references to his fiction and infrequently cited short piecesâto create a little-known view of the author at leisure on his fantasy island.
Mark Twain in Paradise sheds light on both Clemensâs complex character and the topography and history of the islands. Hoffmann has plumbed the voluminous Mark Twain scholarship and Bermudian archives to faithfully re-create turn-of-the-century Bermuda, supplying historical and biographical background to give his narrative texture and depth. He offers insight into Bermudaâs natural environment, traditional stone houses, and romantic past, and he presents dozens of illustrations, both vintage and new, showing that much of what Mark Twain described can still be seen today.
Hoffmann also provides insight into the social circles Clemens moved inâand sometimes collected around himself. When visiting the islands, he rubbed shoulders with the likes of socialist Upton Sinclair and multimillionaire Henry H. Rogers; with Woodrow Wilson and his lover, socialite Mary Peck; as well as with the young girls to whom he enjoyed playing grandfather.
âYou go to heaven if you want to,â Mark Twain wrote from Bermuda in 1910 during his long last visit. âIâd druther stay here.â And because much of what Clemens enjoyed in the islands is still available to experience today, visitors to Bermuda can now have Americaâs favorite author as their guide. Mark Twain in Paradise is an unexpected addition to the vast literature by and about Mark Twain and a work of travel literature unlike any other.
EdituraUniversity of Missouri Press
Dimensiuni235 x 156
Data Publicarii28/02/2018
Numar pagini208
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Pentru Mark Twain, a fost dragoste la prima aterizare. Samuel Clemens a intalnit pentru prima data insulele Bermude in 1867 intr-o calatorie de intoarcere din Tara Sfanta si le-a gasit mult pe placul sau.