Descriere RO
Emphasizing that administrative law must be understood within the context of the political system, this core text combines a descriptive systems approach with a social science focus. Author Kenneth F. Warren explains the role of administrative law in shaping, guiding, and restricting the actions of administrative agencies. Providing comprehensive coverage, he examines the field not only from state and federal angles, but also from the varying perspectives of legislators, administrators, and the public.
Substantially revised, the fifth edition features approximately one hundred new and current cases that place administrative law in the context of the Obama administration. Each chapter concludes with an edited exemplary case that highlights major themes and helps students understand important points made in the chapter. Using straightforward prose and avoiding unnecessary legal jargon,
Administrative Law in the Political System
provides students with an informed and accessible overview of a difficult subject matter.
EdituraTaylor & Francis Inc
Dimensiuni180 x 273 x 33
Data Publicarii13/07/2010
Numar pagini636
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Subliniind faptul ca dreptul administrativ trebuie inteles in contextul sistemului politic, acest text de baza combina o abordare descriptiva a sistemelor cu un accent pe stiintele sociale. Autor Kenneth F.