Descriere RO
This book introduces the current challenges in modern wind turbine analysis, design and development, and provides a comprehensive examination of state-of-the-art technologies from both academia and industry. The twelve information-rich chapters cover a wide range of topics including reliability-based design, computational fluid dynamics, gearbox and bearing analyses, lightning analysis, structural dynamics, health condition monitoring, advanced techniques for field repair, offshore floating wind turbines, advanced turbine control and grid integration, and other emerging technologies. Each chapter begins with the current status of technology in a lucid, is easy-to-follow treatment, then elaborates on the corresponding advanced technology using detailed methodologies, graphs, mathematical models, computational simulations, and experimental instrumentation. Relevant to a broad audience from students and faculty to researchers, manufacturers, and wind energy engineers and designers, the book is ideal for both educational and research needs.
Presents the latest developments in reliability-based design optimization, CFD of wind turbines, structural dynamics for wind turbine blades, off-shore floating wind turbines, advanced wind turbine control, and wind power and ramp forecasting for grid integration;
Includes techniques for wind turbine gearboxes and bearings, evaluation of lightning strike damage, health condition monitoring and reparation techniques;
Illustrates theories and operational considerations using graphics, tables, computational algorithms, simulation models, and experimental instrumentation;
Examines unique, innovative technologies for wind energy.
EdituraSpringer International Publishing AG
Dimensiuni235 x 155
Data Publicarii23/05/2018
Numar pagini349
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Aceasta carte introduce provocarile actuale din analiza, proiectarea si dezvoltarea turbinei eoliene moderne si ofera o examinare cuprinzatoare a tehnologiilor de ultima generatie atat din mediul academic, cat si din industrie. Cele douasprezece capitole bogate in informatii acopera o gama larga de subiecte, incluzand proiectarea bazata pe fiabilitate, dinamica calculata a fluidelor, analiza cutiei de viteze si a rulmentilor, analiza fulgerului, dinamica structurala, monitorizarea starii de sanatate, tehnici avansate de reparatii pe teren, turbine eoliene plutitoare offshore, turbine avansate controlul si integrarea retelei si alte tehnologii emergente.