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Thesis (M.A.) from the year 2015 in the subject Communications - Media and Politics, Politic Communications, grade: 95%, Communication University of China (Institute of Communication Studies), course: Master Thesis - News Framing, language: English, abstract: This thesis aims to analyze how BBC News frames China's National Image. The general objectives are to determine the most dominant frames used and to identify the motives behind the choice of frames used. This study, through the use of qualitative content analysis looks at all BBC News online reports on APEC CEO Summit 2014 and Occupy Central protests in Hong Kong. Framing and Agenda-Setting communication theories were researched and used throughout the study. This study is significant because it contributes a new perspective to the academic discussion on Western media framing process of China's National Image. This study found that China's National Image is represented unfavorably by BBC News and that the frames used were dependent on the specific event. Moreover, this research found that BBC News reporting of both events was bias, which can be attributed to journalists' routine practices and organizational ideology regarding BBC News reporting on China-related events. This discourse is relevant and important. It provides valuable insights to contemporary China about BBC news' representation of its image. Given the findings, it is fair to assert that BBC News, through its reporting on China-related events aims to misrepresent the image of China. The results may encourage further discussion on the existing phenomenon about Western media framing of China.
EdituraGrin Publishing
Dimensiuni212 x 148 x 23
Data Publicarii13/07/2016
Numar pagini94
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Teza (MA) din anul 2015 la subiectul Comunicari - mass-media si politica, comunicari politice, nota: 95%, Universitatea de comunicare din China (Institutul de studii de comunicare), curs: Teza de masterat - Incadrarea stirilor, limba: engleza, rezumat: Aceasta teza isi propune sa analizeze modul in care BBC News incadreaza imaginea nationala a Chinei. Obiectivele generale sunt determinarea celor mai dominante cadre utilizate si identificarea motivelor din spatele alegerii cadrelor utilizate.