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An official publication of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), Perinatal Nursing, Fourth Edition presents up-to-date information based on the most rigorous evidence and offers suggestions for best practices. This new edition of the authoritative, comprehensive text used by perinatal nurses worldwide features a wealth of new content to keep practice current.
You’ll reach for this highly practical resource for: expanded coverage of high-risk pregnancy, from bleeding in pregnancy to preterm labor and birth, diabetes, cardiac disease, pulmonary complications, multiple gestation, and maternal-fetal transport. And, you'll expertly manage today's broader scope of perinatal nursing with . . . an all-new chapter on obesity in pregnancy covers risks to the mother and fetus, care from preconception to postpartum, as well as bariatric surgery. And, an expanded chapter on newborn nutrition includes new sections on the infant feeding decision, benefits of breastfeeding, nutritional components, and preterm milk and lactation. New chapters related to patient safety and the development of a highly reliable perinatal unit, inform nurses how to conduct team training and drills for obstetric emergencies, create checklists, and effectively handoff patients.
Two experienced perinatal nurses team with the prestigious Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses and more than 70 contributors and reviewers for an unbiased perspective. You’ll know the best evidence and latest standards for all areas of your perinatal practice by drawing on a wealth of wisdom gathered into the brand new edition of AWHONN’s Perinatal Nursing, 4th edition.
EdituraLippincott Williams and Wilkins
Dimensiuni277 x 214 x 25
Data Publicarii01/04/2013
Numar pagini736
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O publicatie oficiala a Asociatiei Asistentilor Femei pentru Sanatate, Asistenti Obstetrici si Neonatali (AWHONN), Asistenta Perinatala, Editia a patra, prezinta informatii actualizate bazate pe cele mai riguroase dovezi si ofera sugestii pentru cele mai bune practici. Aceasta noua editie a textului autoritar si cuprinzator utilizat de asistentele medicale perinatale din intreaga lume prezinta o multitudine de continut nou pentru a mentine practica actuala. Veti ajunge la aceasta resursa extrem de practica pentru: acoperire extinsa a sarcinii cu risc ridicat, de la sangerari in timpul sarcinii pana la prematura travaliu si nastere, diabet, boli cardiace, complicatii pulmonare, gestatie multipla si transport materno-fetal.