Descriere RO
Most general histories of the Civil War pay scant attention to the many important military events that took place in the Lower Rio Grande Valley along the Texas-Mexico border. It was here, for example, that many of the South’s cotton exports, all-important to its funding for the war effort, were shuttled across the Rio Grande into Mexico for shipment to markets across the Atlantic. It was here that the Union blockade was felt perhaps most keenly. And it was here where longstanding cross-border rivalries and shifting political fortunes on both sides of the river made for a constant undercurrent of intrigue. And yet, most accounts of this long and bloody conflict give short shrift to the complexities of the ethnic tensions, political maneuvering, and international diplomacy that vividly colored the Civil War in this region.
Now, Christopher L. Miller, Russell K. Skowronek, and Roseann Bacha-Garza have woven together the history and archaeology of the Lower Rio Grande Valley into a densely illustrated travel guide featuring important historical and military sites of the Civil War period. Blue and Gray on the Border integrates the sites, colorful personalities, cross-border conflicts, and intriguing historical vignettes that outline the story of the Civil War along the Texas-Mexico border. This resource-packed book will aid heritage travelers, students, and history buffs in their discovery of the rich history of the Civil War in the Rio Grande Valley.
EdituraTexas A & M University Press
Dimensiuni229 x 152
Data Publicarii30/12/2018
Numar pagini256
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Cele mai multe istorii generale ale razboiului civil acorda o atentie redusa numeroaselor evenimente militare importante care au avut loc in Valea inferioara a Rio Grande de-a lungul frontierei Texas-Mexic. Aici, de exemplu, multe dintre exporturile de bumbac din Sud, toate importante pentru finantarea sa pentru efortul de razboi, au fost transportate peste Rio Grande in Mexic pentru transport catre pietele de peste Atlantic.