Descriere RO
A noticeable, landmark change is occurring within the human frequency to upgrade those prepared to take the next step in evolution. Fracturing the illusion of third dimensional existence, these messages offer illuminating insights that help us to understand the connection with our cosmic family, the human experiment, and our transformative next a genre increasingly accepted for its transformative impact, this channeled book clearly and powerfully articulates the changing nature of reality and the new frontier in the evolution of consciousness. For the authors, writing this book has been an adventure filled with surprises and revelations. When Guidance provided a list of subjects, they decided to channel separately on one subject at a time, and entered the messages received into a shared online document. They greeted each day with anticipation as they read each others' messages, which later became the content for the chapters. Unless otherwise indicated, this book is composed of the unedited words of the authors' channeled Guidance as they offer new perspectives on the evolution of consciousness and the ultimate metamorphosis of humankind. It takes you beyond the perceived limitations of accepted reality and opens your mind to transformative concepts.This is a book of exploration for the adventurous heart and mind, providing insights on:How to discern the difference between illusion and reality.What we can expect to happen for the planet to evolve.The transformation of the human species.The Ascension process."The perception that you are an individual has guided your choices up to now, without unifying you with all aspects of your Being. Consider that you are an aspect of a team of allies creating your life experience as a representative on Earth. How do you view it then?"""An impersonal mechanism drives evolution, but you make it personal when your ego attempts to apply logic to a seemingly illogical experience.""
EdituraContrapoint Publishing
Dimensiuni140 x 215 x 9
Data Publicarii28/01/2020
Numar pagini100
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
O schimbare vizibila, importanta, are loc in cadrul frecventei umane pentru a-i actualiza pe cei pregatiti sa faca urmatorul pas in evolutie. Fractionand iluzia existentei tridimensionale, aceste mesaje ofera perspective iluminatoare care ne ajuta sa intelegem legatura cu familia noastra cosmica, experimentul uman si urmatorii nostri pasi transformatori. articuleaza puternic natura schimbatoare a realitatii si noua frontiera in evolutia constiintei.