Descriere RO
This historical compilation of selected Central Florida events starts with the arrival of the first Europeans in 1513 and ends in contemporary Florida. An extensive and diverse array of topics has been eclectically selected with the goal of enhancing reader’s interest. The historical events chosen for inclusion were selected because they were entertaining, interesting and informative for both the casual reader and the more studious historically-oriented scrutinizer. They are discussed in an engaging, thought-provoking, and frequently humorous manner and range all the way from earth-shattering momentous events down to amusing inconsequential occurrences of complete historical insignificance. Every page elicits a smile. In addition to being a delightful read, this book will help furnish an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the tremendous pioneering and development effort that led to the modern habitat Floridians now occupy and tens of millions of tourists visit every year. As a bonus, with its vast amount of detail for such an historical abstract, it can also serve as a valuable quick background resource for serious historians because every effort was made to separate out erroneous accounts and event date errors. The author claims that regarding the history of Florida the reader of this book can one-up more than 99 percent of the Florida residents who haven’t taken the time and opportunity to read about it.
EdituraAustin Macauley Publishers
Dimensiuni157 x 233 x 37
Data Publicarii25/09/2020
Numar pagini300
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Aceasta compilatie istorica a evenimentelor selectate din Florida Centrala incepe cu sosirea primilor europeni in 1513 si se termina in Florida contemporana. O gama larga si diversa de subiecte a fost selectata eclectic, cu scopul de a spori interesul cititorului.