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Channeling Jerry is a book partly about Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead, but more specifically it highlights some of the musicians who continue to be influenced by Garcia's acclaimed artistry. It takes stock of where the music has gone since Jerry's passing in 1995 and where it might lead in the future. The project is dedicated to all the inspired artists and fans who continue to revel in the spirit of the Dead and who endeavor to keep the flame burning.
The book features profiles of and in-depth conversations with twenty notable musicians who have honored and continue to explore the rich tradition started by Garcia and company. So far it includes talks with artists including Steve Kimock, Mark Karan, David Gans, Joni Bottari, Andrea Whitt, Katie Skene, John Kadlecik, Garrett Deloian, Halina Janusz, Lisa Malsberger, Vic DeRobertis, Stephen Inglis, Anela Lauren, Jeff Mattson, Joe Craven, Tyler Grant , Joe Marcinek , Marcus Rezak, Adam Perry and Josh Olken. It's a look at where the extended Grateful Dead music community stands today. Speaking to players who have performed with the remaining members of the Grateful Dead and the Jerry Garcia Band, as well as those who have created their own Garcia-inspired musical efforts, I attempt to shed light on the ongoing story of the sound as this seemingly unstoppable music continues to thrive and in some cases even reinvent itself. Each interview also includes a brief Gear Talk section (for the gear heads among us). Like a rose unfolding, Jerry's spirit lives on.
Dimensiuni279 x 215
Data Publicarii28/09/2020
Numar pagini150
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Channeling Jerry este o carte partial despre Jerry Garcia si The Grateful Dead, dar mai precis scoate in evidenta unii dintre muzicienii care continua sa fie influentati de arta apreciata a lui Garcia. Se face bilantul locului in care a mers muzica de la trecerea lui Jerry in 1995 si unde ar putea duce in viitor.