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This best-selling text has been used by countless students, practitioners and researchers as a key reference on child protection issues. The book demystifies this complex and emotionally-charged area, outlining research, history, social policy and legislation, as well as the theory and practice underpinning child protection work.
Written by influential academics and practitioners, this updated edition looks at child protection practices in a global context and provides:
- The latest research and thinking on the causes and consequences of child abuse, including new insights about the relationship
between deprivation, poverty and abuse and neglect
- An overview of child protection practices, ranging from the 19th Century to recent policy and practice changes, including the widespread adoption of practice models and attempts to improve the quality of social work services Using examples to highlight key discussions and points, this book will enhance the confidence, knowledge and skills of practitioners, supervisors and managers.
"This is an important, varied, well-structured, and interesting academic contribution to the area of child protection, neglect, and child abuse. The authors draw on a range of literature, theories, and the extant evidence-base to present a breadth of chapters, from global perspectives on child abuse, to the history of child abuse, to reflections for the future of child protection work. This book will add value to a wide range of professionals in this important field."
Dr Karen Treisman, Clinical Psychologist, Trainer"This is an important addition to the child abuse and child protection literature. Drawing from a variety of current research carried out by professionals and academics from a range of disciplines, this book will be an excellent companion for students, academics and practitioners working in this challenging but important area of work."
Dr Elena Martellozzo, Online child protection expert. Middlesex University, UK
"This is a comprehensive text which explores the legislative, cultural and historic context in which today's child protection has been shaped. Building on previous editions, it provides a valuable and up-to-date insight into contemporary child protection practice."
Rebecca Avery, Education Safeguarding Advisor (Online Protection), The Education People
"How did we get to where we are in our response to child abuse - and what might the future hold? This book provides a timely, comprehensive and thoughtful response to this question; demonstrating the importance of understanding our journey to present day practices if we are to improve the protection of children in the future. Integrating historical, sociological, psychological and biological perspectives, and grappling with the ethical as well as practical challenges of child abuse responses, the authors provide us with an overview upon which we must learn from past successes, as well as tragedies, as we utilise and further build an evidence base for confident social work practices around the world. "
Dr Carlene Firmin, Principal Research Fellow in Contextual Safeguarding, University of Bedfordshire, UK
EdituraOpen University Press
Dimensiuni240 x 168 x 17
Data Publicarii12/06/2019
Numar pagini
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Acest text cel mai bine vandut a fost folosit de nenumarati studenti, practicieni si cercetatori ca referinta cheie in problemele de protectie a copilului. Cartea demistifica aceasta zona complexa si incarcata emotional, subliniind cercetarea, istoria, politica sociala si legislatia, precum si teoria si practica care stau la baza activitatii de protectie a copilului. Scrisa de academicieni si practicanti influenti, aceasta editie actualizata analizeaza practicile de protectie a copilului intr-un context global si ofera: - cele mai recente cercetari si gandiri cu privire la cauzele si consecintele abuzului asupra copiilor, inclusiv noi perspective despre relatia dintre lipsuri, saracie si abuz si neglijare - o prezentare generala a practicilor de protectie a copilului, variind de la secolul al XIX-lea la politica recenta si schimbari de practica, inclusiv adoptarea pe scara larga a modelelor de practica si incercari de imbunatatire a calitatii serviciilor de asistenta sociala. Folosind exemple pentru a evidentia discutiile si punctele cheie, aceasta carte va spori increderea, cunostintele si abilitatile practicienilor, supraveghetorilor si managerilor. "Acesta este o contributie academica importanta, variata, bine structurata si interesanta in zona protectia copilului, neglijarea si abuzul asupra copiilor.