Descriere RO
More than any other, Christianity is the world’s first truly global faith. Lying at the heart of Western civilization, Christianity has spread everywhere, and today is still winning converts in Africa, China, and throughout the world. How is it that a movement which began more than 2,000 years ago in Palestine continues to be such a potent force, commanding the hearts and inspiring the imaginations of billions of believers? Thomas Small takes us back to where it all began, to the epic, shocking, and sometimes deeply moving Christian story. First preached all those centuries ago, that story was adapted and refined through the ages, and Small explores that fascinating, twisting history, from the apostle Paul to the mystics of the Egyptian desert, from the challenge of Islam to the ferocity of the Crusades, and from the rise of science to the birth of the modern world. Along the way, he reveals the intimate link between Christian theology and worship, and makes sense of the many divisions within Christianity: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. Finally, he asks the question, how can this story—full of miracles and holy men, angels and demons—still be believed by modern people? What is it that motivates them to put their faith in it? Beyond the age-old debate between faith and religion, Small offers a new way to make sense of Christianity in the postmodern world.Â
Dimensiuni211 x 147
Data Publicarii04/03/2020
Numar pagini128
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Mai mult decat oricare altul, crestinismul este prima credinta cu adevarat globala din lume. Situat in centrul civilizatiei occidentale, crestinismul s-a raspandit peste tot si astazi castiga in continuare convertiti in Africa, China si in intreaga lume.