Descriere RO
To say Edgar Humbert is timid is to say the ocean is wet. Since early childhood, Edgar had been conditioned to be non-confrontational and completely subservient by his older sister, Cynthia. Though he hasn't seen his sister in years, her lessons have remained. Well into his adult years, his fainthearted personality has been a constant bane to his health, his marriage, and his livelihood; leading to the eventual destruction of all three. Now, an apathetic Edgar Humbert awaits his execution in a prison cell; but when the day of his scheduled execution finally arrives, Edgar's emotions awaken, forcing him to relive the terrible series of events that led the mild-mannered man to death row in the first place. His only relief is that, in a few hours, his suffering would end. However, a storm causes an unexpected delay, leaving Edgar to wallow in his past. Edgar, growing determined for what feels like the first time in his life, decides to face those memories, utilizing the only weapons available to him: pen and paper. Edgar spends his remaining days struggling to write the story of his more recent history, involving his sister's return to his life as she attempts to atone for her past while struggling with drug addiction as a single mother. Despite his determination to face his past, Edgar is assaulted by deeper and more distant memories in his sleep, those of his childhood and his failed marriage.
EdituraAustin Macauley Publishers LLC
Data Publicarii28/02/2022
Numar pagini198
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A spune ca Edgar Humbert este timid inseamna a spune ca oceanul este umed. Inca din copilarie, Edgar a fost conditionat sa nu aiba confruntare si sa fie complet supus de catre sora lui mai mare, Cynthia.