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How Japanese coastal residents and transnational conservationists collaborated to foster relationships between humans and sea life
Drawing the Sea Near opens a new window to our understanding of transnational conservation by investigating projects in Okinawa shaped by a “conservation-near” approach—which draws on the senses, the body, and memory to collapse the distance between people and their surroundings and to foster collaboration and equity between coastal residents and transnational conservation organizations. This approach contrasts with the traditional Western “conservation-far” model premised on the separation of humans from the environment.
Based on twenty months of participant observation and interviews, this richly detailed, engagingly written ethnography focuses on Okinawa’s coral reefs to explore an unusually inclusive, experiential, and socially just approach to conservation. In doing so, C. Anne Claus challenges orthodox assumptions about nature, wilderness, and the future of environmentalism within transnational organizations. She provides a compelling look at how transnational conservation organizations—in this case a field office of the World Wide Fund for Nature in Okinawa—negotiate institutional expectations for conservation with localized approaches to caring for ocean life.
In pursuing how particular projects off the coast of Japan unfolded, Drawing the Sea Near illuminates the real challenges and possibilities of work within the multifaceted transnational structures of global conservation organizations. Uniquely, it focuses on the conservationists themselves: why and how has their approach to project work changed, and how have they themselves been transformed in the process?
EdituraUniversity of Minnesota Press
Dimensiuni217 x 140 x 19
Data Publicarii03/11/2020
Numar pagini256
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Cum au colaborat rezidentii japonezi de coasta si conservatorii conservatori transnationali pentru a incuraja relatiile dintre oameni si viata marina Draw the Sea Near deschide o noua fereastra pentru intelegerea conservarii transnationale prin investigarea proiectelor din Okinawa modelate printr-o abordare „aproape de conservare” - care se bazeaza pe simturi , corpul si memoria pentru a prabusi distanta dintre oameni si imprejurimile lor si pentru a incuraja colaborarea si echitatea intre rezidentii de coasta si organizatiile transnationale de conservare.