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When you are around children, even for a short amount of time, you learn that nearly everything that sits upright is even more interesting when it is turned upside down. A bowl of Cheerios is tasty and neat sitting on a highchair tray. But how much more interesting it is when the bowl is upside down on your head, the milk dripping down your face, and the mushy Cheerios sticking to everything from your ears to the chair to the floor, where they have been picked up by the dog's paws and are sticking to the floors throughout the house.
I'd like to think the same is true with this book. Sure, you can read a dictionary and get common definitions and usages of the words I define - all neat and tidy. But when the words are turned on their heads, they become really interesting, and the new definitions may stick in surprising ways. After reading this book, you may still choose to eat your Cheerios from a bowl sitting upright with both the milk and the cereal neatly contained, but you may never think of book value, company policy, direct deposit or social security in quite the same way. In fact, after reading the new definitions, you may forever choose to have many of the words defined in this book served to you in this unconventional way.
"Doesn't the world look completely different once you have children? Hasn't the business world been turned upside down and inside out over the past few years? Take a look at what you get when you toss these two worlds in together. "
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Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Cand sunteti in preajma copiilor, chiar si pentru o perioada scurta de timp, aflati ca aproape tot ceea ce sta in pozitie verticala este si mai interesant atunci cand este dat peste cap. Un castron de Cheerios este gustos si ingrijit asezat pe o tava pentru scaun inalt.