Fourth Genre 17, No. 2

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IN ACEST NUMAR Nota editorului O onoarea lui Judith Kitchen Kate Carroll de Gutes, ,,Learning to Be on the Page: The Generosity and Insight of Judith Kitchen" Sonja Livingston, ,,Hypotenuse Blue" Lia Purpura, ,,No Distance, All Directions: On 'Displacement,' de la distanta si directie" Brenda Miller, ,,Considering Judith Kitchen" Fleda Brown, ,,Principiul incertitudinii lui Judith Kitchen" Dinah Lenney, ,,Like One of Those Songs that You Can't Get Out of Your Head" Joe Mackall, ,,The Breathing Green of Judith Kitchen" Stan Sanvel Rubin, ,,End with a Question: Reflections on Judith Kitchen's Aesthetic and Achievement" Eseuri Cate Hennessey, ,,Beets" Jericho Parms, ,,Origins" Stephen D.