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If you don't know the first 2-3 letters a word starts with how do you find it in a dictionary?
Gabby's Wordspeller(c) Dictionary invites you to misspell your word in Spanish or English to quickly locate over 100,000 correctly spelled words. Gabby's is a learning resource tool in that each English root word you locate will provide homophones, confusable words, suffixes and prefixes.
SI no conoces las primeras 2-3 letras una palabra comienza con c�mo la encuentras en un diccionario?
Gabby's Wordspeller(c) Dictionary te invita a escribir mal tu palabra en Espa�ol o Ingl�s para localizar r�pidamente m�s de 100,000 palabras correctamente escritas. Gabby's es una herramienta de recursos de aprendizaje en la que cada palabra ra�z en ingl�s que encuentres proporcionar� hom�fonos, palabras confusas, sufijos y prefijos.
Search for you misspelled word using either Spanish or English alphabet letters in this Wordspeller Dictionary. Locate commonly used American English words with multiple misspellings per word based upon their phonetic sound. Brief definitions allow for quick referral to the proper word you wish to use allowing you access (a bridge) to a standard dictionary for further definition. Extensive cross-referencing allows for words that are either similar in meaning, sound or spelling.
Is it 'petal' or 'pedal' or 'peddle'? Spanish letters are cross-referenced with English spellings as well. Spanish words such as 'jiubili, yubili, llubili' sound like 'jubilee' in American English. Asian vowel sounds such as 'lau, low or loh' closely resemble the word, 'law' in English.
Localice su palabra con la ortograf�a espa�ola, como:
Ais o aiz = ice/eye(s) Llaquet o yaket o yaquet o llaket = jacket Leit = late Defined Prefixes and all available Suffix endings are listed with each word. Use this resource learning tool as a bridge to go from the sound of your word to a standard dictionary. Satisfies all common core standards. Most proper nouns are not listed unless employed in everyday use (e.g. months, days, animals, legal, medical). Dictionary is printed in a horizontal position to allow smaller hands (children grades 3-6) to more quickly navigate. For a vertical (standard) layout please locate Wordspeller ESL; Phonetic Dictionary edition listed with most book distributors or contact the publisher . Larger database of this book available as an App named Wordspeller ESL Dictionary for Apple or American Wordspeller ESL for Android, for all digital devices.
Dimensiuni201 x 245 x 43
Data Publicarii10/02/2020
Numar pagini578
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Daca nu cunoasteti primele 2-3 litere, un cuvant incepe cu cum il gasiti intr-un dictionar? Dictionarul Gabby's Wordspeller (c) va invita sa gresiti cuvantul in spaniola sau engleza pentru a localiza rapid peste 100.000 de cuvinte scrise corect. Gabby's este un instrument de resurse de invatare prin faptul ca fiecare cuvant radacina engleza pe care il localizati va oferi omofoane, cuvinte confuzabile, sufixe si prefixe.