Descriere RO
Now in its second edition, the Handbook of Lipid Bilayers is a groundbreaking work that remains the field's definitive text and only comprehensive source for primary physicochemical data relating to phospholipid bilayers. Along with basic thermodynamic data, coverage includes both dynamic and structural properties of phospholipid bilayers. It is an indispensable reference for users of bilayer model membranes and liposome delivery systems and for those interested in the biophysics of membrane structure.
Each chapter in the second edition contains considerable amounts of explanation and elaboration, including, in many cases, extensive analysis of structural connections between the data.
New in the Second Edition:
Chapters on crystal structures of phospholipids include new structures and more comprehensive data on bond lengths, bond angles, and torsion angles--and all coordinates are Cartesian
Wide-angle data is indexed whenever possible to characterize chain-packing modes in gel and crystalline lamellar phases
Low-angle data are analyzed in terms of the lipid and water thicknesses
Headgroup separations in electron density profiles for phospholipids are included, and a separate section is devoted to the in-depth analysis of electron density profiles that provides the most detailed structural information on fluid lamellar phases
Phase diagrams of phospholipid mixtures are vastly expanded and have been redrawn in standardized format to aid intercomparison. Cholesterol, including ternary systems, is now featured.
New sections on titration calorimetry, and much extended data on the temperature dependence of transfer rates
The greatly expanded chapter on bilayer-bilayer interactions features new and detailed information on the components of interbilayer pressures
EdituraTaylor & Francis Ltd
Dimensiuni276 x 219
Data Publicarii30/09/2020
Numar pagini1174
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Acum, la cea de-a doua editie, Handbook of Lipid Bilayers este o lucrare revolutionara care ramane textul definitiv al campului si singura sursa cuprinzatoare de date fizico-chimice primare referitoare la straturile bifolipidice. Impreuna cu datele termodinamice de baza, acoperirea include atat proprietatile dinamice, cat si proprietatile structurale ale straturilor bifolipidice.