Descriere RO
'Darkly delicious' ELIZABETH DAY'Fresh, glamorous, surprising' MARIAN KEYES'Compulsive, brilliant' ABIGAIL DEAN'Utterly gripping and unsettling' LUCY FOLEY'An absolute page turner; addictive' CECILIA AHERNPICKED AS ONE OF STYLIST MAGAZINE'S 'FICTION BOOKS YOU CAN'T MISS IN 2022'******'Follow your heart and speak your truth.'For Samantha Miller's young fans - her 'girls' - she's everything they want to be. She's an oracle, telling them how to live their lives, how to be happy, how to find and honour their 'truth'. And her career is booming: she's just hit three million followers, her new book Chaste has gone straight to the top of the bestseller lists and she's appearing at sell-out events.
Determined to speak her truth and bare all to her adoring fans, she's written an essay about her sexual awakening as a teenager, with her female best friend, Lisa. She's never told a soul but now she's telling the world. The essay goes viral.
But then - years since they last spoke - Lisa gets in touch to say that she doesn't remember it that way at all. Her memory of that night is far darker. It's Sam's word against Lisa's - so who gets to tell the story? Whose 'truth' is really a lie? 'You put yourself on that pedestal, Samantha.
You only have yourself to blame.'Riveting, compulsive and bold, IDOL interrogates our relationship with our heroes and explores the world of online influencers, asking how well we can ever really know those whose carefully curated profiles we follow online. And it asks us to consider how two memories of the same event can differ, and how effortlessly we choose which stories to believe. 'Unflinching, clever and completely riveting' FABULOUS'An absolute must for your book club, with so many issues up for discussion' PRIMA'A compelling, clever and beautifully crafted thriller' OBSERVER'A smart, addictive page-turner' STYLIST
EdituraTransworld Publishers Ltd
Dimensiuni164 x 242 x 33
Data Publicarii12/05/2022
Numar pagini320
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
,,Darkly delicious" ELIZABETH DAY ,,Proaspat, plin de farmec, surprinzator" MARIAN KEYES ,,Compulsiva, stralucitoare" ABIGAIL DEAN ,,Cu totul captivanta si nelinistitoare" LUCY FOLEY ,,O invatatoare de pagini absolut; care provoaca dependenta" CECILIA AHERNPEDA CA UNA DINTRE ,,CARTILE DE FITIUNE PE CARE NU POTI RATA IN 2022" ALE REVISTA STYLIST"****** ,,Urmeaza-ti inima si spune-ti adevarul." Pentru tinerii fani ai Samantha Miller - ,,fetele" ei - ea este tot ceea ce ei. vreau sa fiu.