Descriere RO
There are two urgent, major and progressive themes calling ever more loudly and persistently through current developments in therapy theory, practice and training--particularly within work with families and couples. These have been: Firstly, the need to work sensitively, wisely and constructively and be attentive to differences in cultures within relationships that present in the therapy room. Secondly, is the need to become able to work within evidence-based practices that can cut across different schools of psychotherapy. That is, to be aware, or part of, a "third wave" of psychotherapy practice that unites themes and practices across formerly divided trainings. A currently well-equipped clinician should be able to employ and understand techniques and ideas from a range of therapies, using these in a way that is coherent with their basic therapeutic training and stance. A currently well-equipped clinician should be able to understand and be alert to nuances of cultural differences that will necessarily be playing out within couples and families that present for therapy, or that an individual brings in her individual narrative as it may unfold within the therapy room for individual therapy. Yet there has been no single coherent model of therapy theory, training and practice, until now, that unites these two major themes. There is still no training that can thus prepare a therapist to practice in this way. This book will train clinicians to put the Intercultural Exeter Model into everyday practice.
EdituraJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd
Dimensiuni152 x 228 x 14
Data Publicarii10/12/2020
Numar pagini128
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Exista doua teme urgente, majore si progresive care apeleaza din ce in ce mai tare si mai persistent prin evolutiile actuale in teoria terapiei, practica si instruirea - in special in cadrul muncii cu familiile si cuplurile. Acestea au fost: In primul rand, necesitatea de a lucra sensibil, cu intelepciune si constructiv si de a fi atenti la diferentele din culturi in cadrul relatiilor care sunt prezente in sala de terapie.