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A newly updated and comprehensive guide to all aspects of visual design
From doing a quick sketch to producing a fully rendered model, the ability to create visual representations of designs is a critical skill for every designer. Interior Design Visual Presentation, Fifth Edition offers thorough coverage of interior design communication used throughout the design process, complete with a broad range of real-world examples.
This fully updated handbook presents a full range of styles and techniques used for interior design visual communication, from hand drawing to 3D computer modeling. Its accessible, how-to approach guides you through a variety of methods for executing creative and successful design graphics, models, and presentations. Recognizing the ongoing proliferation of digital tools for visual representation, this edition provides the latest information on software used in presentation such as Photoshop, and SketchUp, and covers the integration of Revit, and AutoCAD generated content into design presentations.
- Covers all aspects of visual design and presentation for interior designers
- Includes color illustrations that feature a wide range of project types including residential, healthcare and public projects, designed to highlight step-by-step instructions
- Provides a discussion of incorporation of 3D digital models into presentations including use in virtual reality, and expanded information on scale models including a discussion of 3D printing
- Includes a companion website for instructors, featuring PowerPoint lecture slides and an instructor's manual
From traditional to cutting-edge techniques, Interior Design Visual Presentation, Fifth Edition gives students and professionals alike the tools to give life to their design vision.
EdituraJohn Wiley & Sons Inc
Dimensiuni233 x 186 x 17
Data Publicarii22/06/2018
Numar pagini336
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Un ghid nou actualizat si cuprinzator pentru toate aspectele designului vizual De la realizarea unei schite rapide pana la producerea unui model complet redat, capacitatea de a crea reprezentari vizuale ale desenelor este o abilitate critica pentru fiecare proiectant. Prezentare vizuala de design interior, editia a cincea ofera o acoperire aprofundata a comunicarii de design interior utilizate pe tot parcursul procesului de proiectare, completata cu o gama larga de exemple din lumea reala. Acest manual complet actualizat prezinta o gama completa de stiluri si tehnici utilizate pentru comunicarea vizuala de design interior, de la desenarea manuala la modelarea computerizata 3D.