Descriere RO
Team Games are special mathematical puzzles and problems which produce real co-operation between the members of a team. The secondary school version of this book Mathematical Team Games has sold tens of thousands of copies and been used successfully all over the world. This new version for ages 7-11 provides creative ideas in a format that is easy for teachers to implement. Children of every ability level will enjoy an enriching experience.
The mathematical content is that of the normal curriculum and whether you call them games, puzzles or problems they undoubtedly offer a very positive experience at a variety of different levels. Each player only gets some of the information and so all must play a part in arriving at a solution. These tried and tested team games are provided in photocopiable form and once it is realised how well this format works, it will not be difficult to construct more for yourself. Templates to do so are included in the book.
Subjects of the 14 Activities include:
- Fractions
- Shape
- Multiplication and other operations
- Primes and attributes of number
- Data handling
- Reflection
- Magic Squares
- Codes
Ideal for junior schools regular use, but also great fun for after school clubs
such as mathematics clubs, seeking to run short activities. Mathematics days
or weeks run in school will be greatly enhanced by their inclusion.
See and download the contents page
Learn more about how Team Games work
Develop your own Team Games using templates in the book.
EdituraTarquin Publications
Dimensiuni292 x 210 x 9
Data Publicarii01/09/2011
Numar pagini36
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Jocurile in echipa sunt puzzle-uri si probleme matematice speciale care produc o cooperare reala intre membrii unei echipe. Versiunea pentru scoala secundara a acestei carti Mathematical Team Games a vandut zeci de mii de exemplare si a fost folosita cu succes in toata lumea.