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Shirley MacLaine’s only child shares shocking stories from her out-of-this-world childhood with the famously eccentric actress
Shirley MacLaine is an Academy Award winning actress who has graced Hollywood with her talent for decades, known for her roles in The Apartment, Terms of Endearment, and recently the BBC/PBS smash Downton Abbey. Yet—as her daughter Sachi Parker can attest—growing up with the movie star was far from picture perfect.
The only child of MacLaine and her husband of thirty years, Steve Parker, Sachi’s surreal childhood began when she was sent to Japan at the age of two—though her mother would sometimes claim Sachi was six—to live with her mercurial father and his mistress. She divides her time being raised by a Japanese governess and going back and forth to L.A. to be with her mother, hamming it up on movie sets, in photo shoots, and Hollywood parties, even winning—and then abruptly losing—the role of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. As she gets older and attends boarding school in England and Switzerland, becomes a Qantas stewardess, and becomes involved in a series of abusive relationships she tries to unravel the mysteries of her childhood and her parents’ unconventional marriage.
Including twenty never-before-seen personal photos, Lucky Me is a fascinating look at Hollywood and what it takes to succeed there, the incredible ambition of Shilrey MacLaine and the fallout it had on her only child, as well as a woman’s attempt to understand and connect with her extremely complicated parents.
EdituraPenguin Putnam Inc
Dimensiuni130 x 211 x 20
Data Publicarii24/04/2014
Numar pagini354
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Singurul copil al lui Shirley MacLaine impartaseste povestile socante din copilaria ei din afara acestei lumi cu celebra actrita excentrica Shirley MacLaine este o actrita castigatoare a Premiului Academiei, care a invins Hollywood-ul cu talentul sau de zeci de ani, cunoscuta pentru rolurile sale din The Apartment , iar recent BBC / PBS a distrus Downton Abbey.