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The ultimate playbook for using artificial intelligence to communicate effectively, build teams, and win customers
Not long ago, we imagined a hyper-connected world full of trust and openness--a world where effortless communication would bring about a new understanding between people everywhere. Judging from our current environment, this vision of the future may have been overly optimistic. With infinite channels and countless voices flooding them with messages, most people have become highly skeptical and guarded by necessity. As a result, communication is much harder than ever before.
Despite the unprecedented connectivity enabled by modern technology, we are far less likely to trust and to invest the time needed to build strong relationships. How can we use technology to reverse this trend? A groundbreaking new branch of artificial intelligence--Personality AI--may be the answer. Combining traditional machine learning, data analytics, and behavioral psychology, Personality AI helps professional communicators tear down walls, establish trust with their audiences, and utilize data to build meaningful relationships, strengthen empathy, and win more customers.
Predicting Personality is a practical, real-world playbook for any individual or business whose success hinges on the ability to communicate effectively and build teams. Authors Drew D'Agostino and Greg Skloot--CEO and President, respectively, of Crystal, the app that tells you anyone's personality--show you how businesses can leverage Personality AI and machine learning to grow faster and communicate more effectively than was previously possible. This reader-friendly guide teaches you what Personality AI is, how it works, and demonstrates its practical applications in both life and business. This book:
● Explains how to understand personality types in various contexts, including sales, recruiting, coaching
● Provides guidelines for using personality data to learn and execute
● Explores ethics and compliance considerations surrounding the use of Personality AI
● Offers valuable insights from a leader in the business applications of Personality AI
Predicting Personality: Using AI to Understand People and Win More Business is a must-have guide for C-suite executives, sales and marketing professionals, coaches, recruiters, and business owners.
EdituraJohn Wiley & Sons Inc
Data Publicarii26/12/2019
Numar pagini336
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Cea mai buna carte de joc pentru utilizarea inteligentei artificiale pentru a comunica eficient, pentru a construi echipe si pentru a castiga clienti Nu cu mult timp in urma ne-am imaginat o lume hiperconectata plina de incredere si deschidere - o lume in care comunicarea fara efort ar aduce o noua intelegere intre oamenii de pretutindeni. Judecand dupa mediul nostru actual, aceasta viziune asupra viitorului ar fi putut fi prea optimista.