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This book focuses on how to formulate a mental health response with respect to the unique elements of pandemic outbreaks. Unlike other disaster psychiatry books that isolate aspects of an emergency, this book unifies the clinical aspects of disaster and psychosomatic psychiatry with infectious disease responses at the various levels, making it an excellent resource for tackling each stage of a crisis quickly and thoroughly. The book begins by contextualizing the issues with a historical and infectious disease overview of pandemics ranging from the Spanish flu of 1918, the HIV epidemic, Ebola, Zika, and many other outbreaks. The text acknowledges the new infectious disease challenges presented by climate changes and considers how to implement systems to prepare for these issues from an infection and social psyche perspective. The text then delves into the mental health aspects of these crises, including community and cultural responses, emotional epidemiology, and mental health concerns in the aftermath of a disaster. Finally, the text considers medical responses to situation-specific trauma, including quarantine and isolation-associated trauma, the mental health aspects of immunization and vaccination, survivor mental health, and support for healthcare personnel, thereby providing guidance for some of the most alarming trends facing the medical community.
Written by experts in the field, Psychiatry of Pandemics is an excellent resource for infectious disease specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, immunologists, hospitalists, public health officials, nurses, and medical professionals who may work patients in an infectious disease outbreak.
EdituraSpringer Nature Switzerland AG
Dimensiuni202 x 126 x 16
Data Publicarii27/05/2019
Numar pagini185
Aceasta este o carte in limba engleza. Descrierea cartii (tradusa din engleza cu Google Translate) este in limba romana din motive legale.
Aceasta carte se concentreaza pe modul de formulare a unui raspuns de sanatate mintala cu privire la elementele unice ale focarelor de pandemie. Spre deosebire de alte carti de psihiatrie in caz de dezastru care izoleaza aspecte ale unei situatii de urgenta, aceasta carte unifica aspectele clinice ale dezastrului si psihiatriei psihosomatice cu raspunsuri la boli infectioase la diferite niveluri, facandu-l o resursa excelenta pentru abordarea rapida si temeinica a fiecarei etape a unei crize.