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Some of the most effective coaches understand the fundamentals of sport psychology, which include interacting effectively with athletes, creating the optimal environment, assessing the psychological needs of their athletes, and even providing them with the mental training required to maximise performance.
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of Psychology in Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice clearly and accessibly introduces the principles and practice of sport psychology in the context of the coaching process. Drawing on the very latest research and theory, the book introduces the psychological tools and techniques that coaches can use to get the best performances out of their athletes.
Including six new chapters on applying self-determination principles in coaching, creating the optimal motivational climate, increasing motivation, developing anti-doping attitudes, promoting challenge states, and mindfulness-based stress reduction training, the book also offers step-by-step guidance on key topics such as:
Assessing the needs of athletes
Facilitating awareness through goal-setting and performance profiling
Working with special populations, including children and injured athletes
Building team cohesion
Maximising relationships and socially supporting athletes
Teaching mental skills such as imagery and coping
Building mental toughness and confidence.
Every chapter contains useful features to aid learning and understanding, including in-depth case studies, critical thinking questions, clear and concise summaries, and practice exam questions. Psychology in Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice is essential reading for any student of sports coaching or any practising coach looking to extend and develop their skills, and useful applied reading for students of sport psychology.
EdituraTaylor & Francis Ltd
Dimensiuni157 x 234 x 21
Data Publicarii25/05/2017
Numar pagini294
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Unii dintre cei mai eficienti antrenori inteleg elementele fundamentale ale psihologiei sportului, care includ interactiunea eficienta cu sportivii, crearea unui mediu optim, evaluarea nevoilor psihologice ale sportivilor lor si chiar oferirea acestora cu pregatirea mentala necesara pentru a maximiza performanta. , a doua editie a Psihologiei in antrenament sportiv: teorie si practica introduce in mod clar si accesibil principiile si practica psihologiei sportului in contextul procesului de antrenor.