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1st Ramion collection. Fantasy adventures set in the magical land of Ramion and Kent village of Shoreham. Contains four stand-alone, fantastical stories. In The Land of Lost Hair the witch Griselda casts a spell to make the boys travel to her, but the slime of maggot is past its sell-by date and the boys (and their parents) only lose their hair. Snuggle (Dream Lord and super hero) takes the boys to the Land of Lost Hair, but Griselda follows, and sends giant combs, scissors and hair driers to get the boys (“Boy kebabs for tea!”). In The Vicar’s Chickens Snuggle’s weakness for the Vicar’s chickens drives the Vicar mad, but after Snuggle (trying to escape fireballs sent by the witch Griselda) accidentally takes the Vicar (along with the boys and the church) to the realm of Ramion the Vicar becomes a child again and learns how not to fear a thing (not even a witch). In The Crystal Key fighting to save the boys Snuggle falls with the witch Griselda into the magic cauldron and through the void to Ramion. Landing in a circle of witches he is imprisoned in a block of crystal in the hills where the mind controls. The boys seek the crystal key to set Snuggle free and save the Gardener, who is old and through his mind feels Snuggle’s pain deep inside. In Creatures of the Forest Griselda casts a spell to make the boys and rabbit Scrooey-Looey travel to her, but the dwarves in error magic away her supper. After escaping from the Lost Magic Office the boys are swallowed by a huge snake and spat out into a creepy forest where Globerous Ghosts, Mystic Mummies, Venomous Vampires, Scary Scots and Bilious Butterflies try to get them.
EdituraPerronet Press
Dimensiuni238 x 167 x 22
Data Publicarii28/09/2017
Numar pagini252
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Prima colectie Ramion. Aventuri fantastice amplasate in tara magica din Ramion si satul Shoreham din Kent.