Descriere RO
Something About Those Eyes is a compelling story about hope, forgiveness and redemption. Debbie's memoir follows a young girl's life as she suffers through sexual abuse, and broken marriages enduring both physical and emotional abuse. The readers will be drawn into Debbie's world and will find themselves laughing and crying with her as she describes her journey with wit, humor, emotion and passion as she triumphs towards healing, wholeness and redemption.This memoir will haunt you with the bitter and the sweet. Debbie holds nothing back in her writing about the realities of childhood sexual abuse. She shows how to take the horror of the past and change it into a promise for the future. Debbie ministers to others through her writing. God Bless the broken…they can find hope. Something About Those Eyes is a heartfelt memoir that is filled with candor and pathos. Debbie draws you in as she shares her intriguing stories with humor and her down-to-earth sincerity. As she endured much hardship and difficulty, Debbie's faith and fortitude shines through as it caused her to overcome much adversity. Your hearts will be enriched and encouraged through her inspirational story of hope, redemption and victory and you will gain the realization that God is real and so desires to bless you too as He fulfills His plans and purpose for your life. Also, if you have been a victim of abuse, Debbie's story will resonate with you and you too will be strengthened with greater faith to co-overcome and live a healed life of peace and contentment.
Dimensiuni153 x 228 x 30
Data Publicarii20/08/2018
Numar pagini408
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Ceva despre acei ochi este o poveste convingatoare despre speranta, iertare si rascumparare. Memoriile lui Debbie urmaresc viata unei tinere fete in timp ce sufera din cauza abuzului sexual si a casatoriilor rupte, suportand atat abuz fizic, cat si emotional.