Descriere RO
To commemorate HCI's 40th anniversary, many of its most loved and revered authors have contributed personal stories of lifechanging events in Success Stories from the Heart. Poignant and inspiring from cover to cover, these authors generously share their personal journeys to find truth, the unexpected discoveries they made along the way, and the spiritual renewals they experienced as a result. A brave and mighty volume, Success Stories from the Heart bares their souls and tells the stories of not only their own lives, but of the many lives they've touched.
Each contributing author in this extraordinary book has played a pivotal role in the advancement of mental health services and personal transformation. They coined the phrases, they made the discoveries, they are the vanguards who brought us a deeper understanding of the issues that affect us, our families, our communities, and every one of our relationships. They are the true, indispensable guides and mentors who rescue us from ourselves and each other, that teach us better, more fulfilling ways to live.
These stories chronicle experiences that go beyond the educational realm, past office visits and therapy sessions, and brought them deep into the tender realm of the heart. They are the encounters that blurred the lines and made their work personal, the hopes and tears of their careers, the indelible scars that belie their commitment to do whatever it takes to make a difference. It is this blending of personal and professional life that births wisdom, that connects people, and heals a hurting world.
Let Success Stories from the Heart inspire you--it's a celebration of 40 momentous years and a thrilling celebration of life!
EdituraHealth Communications
Dimensiuni191 x 172 x 22
Data Publicarii05/02/2019
Numar pagini240
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Pentru a comemora cea de-a 40-a aniversare a HCI, multi dintre cei mai iubiti si venerati autori ai sai au contribuit la povesti personale despre evenimente care se schimba in viata in Povestile de succes din inima. Intampinatori si inspirati din coperta in coperta, acesti autori impartasesc cu generozitate calatoriile lor personale pentru a gasi adevarul, descoperirile neasteptate pe care le-au facut pe parcurs si reinnoirile spirituale pe care le-au experimentat ca urmare.