Descriere RO
For a heartbroken woman and a daring thief, the most tempting proposal comes after marriage in the unforgettable final Lost Lords of London novel by USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell.
Long ago, Dare Grey disappeared from privilege to help the downtrodden. Abandoning his future as a nobleman, he instead came of age as the most skilled—and wanted—thief in East London. But when the Robin Hood of the Rookeries is captured, his influential grandfather offers him a choice: face his heritage...or the gallows. And to step into his rightful role as marquess, Dare must find a wife.
Little do they know, he already has.
Marrying Dare rescued young Temperance Swift from a brutal life. Yet his commitments were elsewhere, and Temperance would not continue in the charade of a relationship that surely would end with her husband in Newgate Prison. It broke her heart to leave the righteous bandit, but she established a new life for herself as a seamstress. One who respected and obeyed the law and kept herself safe—if lonely.
But Dare finds her and offers to resume their role as husband and wife, and this time it will yield a fortune. A fortune that could be used to help the disadvantaged, without resorting to ever-more-daring thefts...
Once they're ensconced in the comfortable family fold of Mayfair, the romance they thought ended years ago stirs again. But when every kiss is shadowed by the mistakes of the past, and a haunting secret Temperance bears, will love be enough to save them from such an uncertain fate?
EdituraAmazon Publishing
Data Publicarii17/11/2020
Numar pagini364
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Pentru o femeie framantata de inima si un hot indraznet, cea mai tentanta propunere vine dupa casatorie in romanul de neuitat final, Lost Lords of London, scris de Christi Caldwell, autorul bestseller-ului USA Today. Abandonandu-si viitorul ca nobil, el a ajuns la varsta majoritatii ca fiind cel mai iscusit - si dorit - hot din estul Londrei.