Descriere RO
What if the United States had gone to war with the Soviet Union? What if these rival superpowers had fought on land, sea, air, and the astral plane? What if the Soviets and Americans had struggled for dominion across parallel dimensions or on the surface of the moon? How would the world have changed? What wonders would have been unveiled? What terrors would have haunted mankind from those dark and dismal dimensions? Come closer, peer through a glass darkly, and discover the horrifying alternative visions of World War III from some of today’s greatest minds in science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Includes new stories by David Drake, Brad R. Torgersen, Mike Resnick, Sarah A. Hoyt, and many more!
About the Contributors:
“Drake couldn’t write a bad action scene at gunpoint.”—Booklist on David Drake
"He's one of the most talented authors I've ever read."—Larry Correia on Brad R. Torgersen
“[A] tour de force: logical, built from assumptions with no contradictions . . . gripping.”—Jerry Pournelle on Sarah A. Hoyt
"Lostetter remains at the forefront of innovation in hard science fiction.”—Publishers Weekly on Marina J. Lostetter
David Drake
Brian Trent
Mike Resnick
Erica Satifka
Brad R. Torgersen
Kevin Andrew Murphy
Dr. Xander Lostetter and Marina J. Lostetter
Martin L. Shoemaker
Sarah A. Hoyt
Deborah A. Wolf
Stephen Lawson
Ville Meriläinen
Peter J. Wacks and Bryan Thomas Schmidt
Alex Shvartsman
C.L. Kagmi
Nick Mamatas
T.C. McCarthy
Eric James Stone
John Langan
EdituraBaen Books
Dimensiuni156 x 233 x 19
Data Publicarii12/10/2020
Numar pagini320
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Povestiri despre razboi care ar fi putut fi. Daca SUA ar fi intrat in razboi cu Uniunea Sovietica? Ce se intampla daca aceste superputeri rivale ar fi luptat pe uscat, pe mare, in aer si in planul astral?