Ce să citești dacă ți-a plăcut To All The Boys I've Loved Before

Nebunia To All The Boys I've Loved Before ne-a cuprins pe toți. Oriunde te uiți, vezi măcar o mențiune. Odată cu lansarea filmului pe Netflix, toată lumea s-a (re)îndrăgostit de Peter și Lara Jean și s-a pus pe citit/recitit cartea scrisă de Jenny HanPoate era timpul să mai citim și câte o comedie romantică Partea bună este că după ce citești To All The Boys I've Loved Before, mai ai 2 cărți din aceeași serie de citit: P.S. I Still Love You și Always and Forever, Lara Jean, partea mai puțin bună este că este posibil ca după ce devorezi seria să îți dorești să nu se fi terminat. E okay, suntem aici să te ajutăm cu alte recomandări.

Ce să citești dacă ți-a plăcut To All The Boys I've Loved Before

[caption id="attachment_10926" align="aligncenter" width="540"]To All The Boys I've Loved Before sursa: https://buff.ly/2CimQ28[/caption]

# Seria The Summer I Turned Pretty

Prima recomandare este să citești ceva scris de același autor. :) Seria este alcătuită din 3 cărți, deci te va ține ocupat în lumea iubirilor adolescentine pentru ceva timp. Isabel spends every summer at the beach. But this summer is different. This is the summer she turns pretty - the year two brothers will notice her for the first time. Conrad - unavailable, aloof - who she's been in love with forever. Jeremiah - friendly, relaxed - the only one who's ever really paid her any attention. Friendship is no longer enough. From first kisses to first loves, seasons pass, promises are made and hearts are broken. Now Isabel must make the most difficult decision of all.

# Dumplin'

Dubbed "Dumplin'" by her former beauty queen mom, Willowdean has always been at home in her own skin. Her thoughts on having the ultimate bikini body? Put a bikini on your body. With her all-American-beauty best friend, Ellen, by her side, things have always worked. Until Will takes a job at Harpy's, the local fast-food joint. There she meets Private School Bo, a hot former jock. Will isn't surprised to find herself attracted to Bo. But she is surprised when he seems to like her back.

#Emergency Contact

When Penny heads to college in Austin, Texas, to learn how to become a writer, it's seventy-nine miles and a zillion light years away from everything she can't wait to leave behind. Sam's stuck. Literally, figuratively, emotionally, financially. He works at a cafe and sleeps there too, on a mattress on the floor of an empty storage room upstairs. When Sam and Penny cross paths it's less meet-cute and more a collision of unbearable awkwardness. Still, they swap numbers and stay in touch-via text-and soon become digitally inseparable, sharing their deepest anxieties and secret dreams without the humiliating weirdness of having to see each other.

# I Believe in a Thing Called Love

Desi Lee knows how carburetors work. She learned CPR at the age of five. As a high school senior, she has never missed a day of school and has never had a B in her entire life. She's for sure going to Stanford. But-- she's a disaster in romance, and her botched attempts at flirting have become legendary with her friends. So when the hottest human specimen to have ever lived walks into her life one day, Desi decides to tackle her flirting failures with the same zest she's applied to everything else in her life.

# Eleonor & Park

Eleanor is the new girl in town, and she's never felt more alone. All mismatched clothes, mad red hair and chaotic home life, she couldn't stick out more if she tried. Then she takes the seat on the bus next to Park. Quiet, careful and - in Eleanor's eyes - impossibly cool, Park's worked out that flying under the radar is the best way to get by.Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall in love. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're 16, and you have nothing and everything to lose. Acestea ar fi sugestiile noastre de lectură. Te vor ține în rom-com heaven ceva timp. Ce alte cărți crezi că ar putea citi fanii To All The Boys I've Loved Before?